Hang out with your grandparents!

IMG_5544There is nothing, absolutely nothing more important than your family. For me, my grandparents are incredibly special and I know that they are there for me always, no matter what. They will always be wearing a smile, will always welcome me with the biggest and warmest hug you can imagine and are the owners of some of the best stories and experiences.

So this week, give your grandparents or someone special in your family a ring and pop ’round. Take the time to slow down from your busy life and reconnect with those people that really matter.

To all the Nonna’s, Nonna’s, Oma’s, Opa’s, Grandma’s Grandpa’s, Nan’s, Pop’s, Ma’s, Pa’s, Jadda’s Jadd’s, Nai-Nai’s, Yeh-Yeh’s, Dida’s, Dadu’s, Busia’s, Dzia Dzia’s, Anneanne’s, dede’s, Babushka’s, Dedushka’s and Großmutti’s and Großvater’s!!! This post is for you!


About Emily Thomas

International Fashion Model and Writer. Believer in GOODNESS and the power of the human soul.

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